Kambal Ghar

Fashion Store Branding

Kambal Ghar has been one of Varanasi's leading premium stores for nearly 100 years. Their re-branding was about creating a visual experience that was mindful of the store's rich heritage, yet simultaneously modern & youthful.

We needed to keep Kambal Ghar's 100+ years of heritage in mind, and yet be mindful of the modern, sharp aesthetic the shop wanted to convey moving forward.

Moonlight Pictures completed the re-branding of popular Varanasi store, Kambal Ghar. The shop, which has been open for nearly one hundred years, is an icon for the city; it has grown with Banaras and it's rich history since 1920. When the shop approached us to redesign their logo and brand identity, therefore, we needed to keep this heritage in mind, and yet be mindful of the modern, sharp aesthetic the shop wanted to convey moving forward.

Kambal Ghar began in 1920 as wholesalers of fabrics; since this beginning, the shop has grown into one of the regions most premium retail shops, supplying some of the top brands in India in their three Varanasi stores. Due to its long history and excellent selection of clothes, the shop has a very high reputation for being the most reliable and high-end shop in the city.

When redesigning Kambal Ghar's logo, we wanted to create an image that inspired the rich heritage and yet high-end modern reputation the shop held. It was important, therefore, to incorporate Hindi iconography: the store in itself stands for Banaras's rich, ancient history. But how to take a very traditional, historical symbol, and modernize it, make it relatable to people who shop at the high-end store?

The final logo is a mix of both sides of the shop's identity: we took the first sound of Kambal Ghar's name, which is a unique, unusual Hindi sound for shops, put it in Hindi, and surrounded it with a seal. In this sense, the logo is very traditional, mindful of the store's cultural history, and relatable to Banaras's identity. Meanwhile, the English name underneath is modern, fresh, youthful.

The rebranding of Kambal Ghar has been very well received: as a leading brand in the city, billboards with our work line the main roads. The brand is now in line with the shop's identity: it has not forgotten it's history, as many brands do; it has embraced it and brought it into the modern day. 

Isn't that the goal of design? Embrace origins, play with it, create something new out of it. Otherwise, don't we lose the very culture that defines us?
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